ALC2024 is the premier conference for leaders and aspiring leaders working to advance the field of hospice and palliative care.

Target Audience

Executive leadership and the interdisciplinary leadership team comprise the intended audience for this conference, including CEOs/Executive Directors/Presidents, other C-suite officers (such as COO, CFO, CMO, CNO), Clinical Management, Operations Management (such as HR, IT, marketing), aspiring leaders, and other leaders working to promote the advancement and future development of hospice and palliative care.

Conference Topics:

      • Advancing the Care Continuum
      • Developing Organizational Leaders
      • Organizational Performance Improvement

Learning Outcomes

The 2024 NHPCO Annual Leadership Conference will provide a robust educational program that empowers hospice and palliative care leaders to achieve these learning outcomes.

      • Describe effective organizational systems, processes, and management approaches (clinical and operational).
      • Identify emerging markets and potential payment models for hospice and palliative care program expansion.
      • Discuss innovative approaches in engagement and branding to increase awareness and access to hospice and palliative care.
      • Describe financial management challenges and offer effective solutions.
      • Distinguish leadership and management skills to lead hospice and palliative care programs.
      • Illustrate emerging and established community-based palliative care programs.
      • Discuss quality requirements, assessment, and improvement practices.
      • Employ strategies to respond to changes and challenges in the regulatory arena.
      • Formulate practices to promote staff development and excellence in performance.