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Completing Level III Designation

The Hospice MDP is the only comprehensive management training program that provides hospice-specific information and helps managers develop the skills they need to meet the challenges and changes they face managing programs, systems and people.

This dynamic asynchronous training and development program provides access to national hospice experts and peers in hospice management. The Hospice MDP is offered through national conferences and online learning opportunities.

The Hospice MDP includes three developmental levels.

Here’s what participants have said:

      • “Really glad I came to the program. Well worth the time!”
      • “Today was jam packed with information—useful information that I plan to take back and share with my team directors!!”
      • “As a new manager, after this program I feel more confident. Thank you!”
      • “This course was a tremendous help in every area. With this knowledge we can improve so much—best hospice course I ever had.”
      • “This was wonderful and very beneficial.”
      • “The course not only allowed me to assess and look at the employees I have, but it makes me look at myself and my leadership style. I feel empowered me to make some changes in order to become more effective as a manager.”

For more information about the Hospice MDP
Email education@nhpco.org or call 800-646-6460.